Monday, August 19, 2013


I was thinking about how long it took before I talked about my life again in this blog. It’s been a long long time. Then I thought of change.

My life has really changed lately, it’s like successfully crossing an old bridge, in which its woods are too old they could crash the moment someone’s foot sets on them..but I took pleasure on dealing with each of them. Those woods were what I needed to deal with the future anyway, I thought.

I have found a heart on doing something this time, aside from reading books where I came from.. As time passes, I feel the importance of what I was when I was in college reading books and studying hard. I remember thinking about what could be the most realistic thing that would happen to me after college. Contrary to what others tell you when you ask them what they do after college, I felt limitless on what I could do. Limitless it was, using a young imagination, not to mention that I waited so long for one my most awaited moments to come..I landed at someplace I dreamt to be at. It’s an overwhelming feeling. It’s like a new leaf coming out of a tree. A feeling that there is so much more in my life as I had before. I knew some things will eventually change as this feeling is inimitably different. This reading journey has taken me out of how I did before. Somehow an escape in a good way..without losing the memories on how I got in here. I’ll definitely remember the ragged shoes I once wore. I was merely very poor.. I couldn’t even buy my own decent pair of shoes. They will remain in my heart. I know it sounds not cool and all, but that was my life..and I had to deal with it no matter what.

Now, I’m landing at different places, the places I once dreamt of landing at.

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